کتاب ساختمان داده clrs – مقدمه ای بر الگوریتم ها

کتاب ساختمان داده (clrs) – Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition
- ISBN:9780262033848, 0262033844
- Page count:1,292
- Published:July 31, 2009
- Format:Hardcover
- Publisher:MIT Press
- Language:English
- PDF :file
لینکهایی که باید ببینید:
- جهت مشاهده سایر کتابها کلیک کنید
- برای مشاوره رایگان کنکور (در تلگرام) پیام بدهید.
- .برای مشاهده ویدئوهای آموزش و نکته و تست کنکور کامپیوتر کلیک کنید
خلاصه کتاب ساختمان داده clrs :
“Introduction to Algorithms” by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein (commonly referred to as “CLRS”) is a widely-used textbook on the design and analysis of algorithms. The third edition of the book includes updated material and new topics. Here is a brief summary of some of the key data structures covered in the third edition of the book:
Arrays and Linked Lists: The book covers arrays, linked lists, and dynamic arrays, which are fundamental data structures for storing and accessing collections of data.
Stacks, Queues, and Deques: The book covers stacks, queues, and deques, which are abstract data types that allow data to be added or removed in a particular order.
Trees: The book covers several types of trees, including binary trees, AVL trees, red-black trees, and B-trees. Trees are useful for storing hierarchical data, such as file systems and organizational charts.
Hash Tables: The book covers hash tables, which are data structures that allow for efficient insertion, deletion, and search operations on large collections of data.
Heaps: The book covers heaps, which are data structures that allow for efficient insertion and deletion of elements, as well as finding the maximum or minimum element.
Graphs: The book covers graphs, which are data structures that represent a collection of objects (vertices) and the connections between them (edges). The book covers several algorithms for working with graphs, including breadth-first search, depth-first search, shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, and network flow. The third edition of the book includes new material on graph algorithms, such as Dijkstra’s algorithm with Fibonacci heaps and the A* algorithm.
String Algorithms: The book includes a new chapter on string algorithms, which covers topics such as string matching, regular expressions, and data compression.
Overall, the third edition of “Introduction to Algorithms” is a comprehensive textbook that provides a thorough introduction to data structures and covers a wide range of algorithms and algorithm design paradigms. The book is suitable for students and professionals in computer science, engineering, and related fields who are interested in the design and analysis of algorithms. It is often used as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in algorithms and data structures.
:سرفصل ها
I Foundations
1 The Role of Algorithms in Computing
2 Getting Started
3 Growth of Functions
4 Divide-and-Conquer
5 Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms
II Sorting and Order Statistics
6 Heapsort
7 Quicksort
8 Sorting in Linear Time
9 Medians and Order Statistics
III Data Structures
10 Elementary Data Structures
11 Hash Tables
12 Binary Search Trees
13 Red-Black Trees
14 Augmenting Data Structures
IV Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques
15 Dynamic Programming
16 Greedy Algorithms
17 Amortized Analysis
V Advanced Data Structures
18 B-Trees
19 Fibonacci Heaps
20 van Emde Boas Trees
21 Data Structures for Disjoint Sets
VI Graph Algorithms
22 Elementary Graph Algorithms
23 Minimum Spanning Trees
24 Single-Source Shortest Paths
25 All-Pairs Shortest Paths
26 Maximum Flow
VII Selected Topics
27 Multithreaded Algorithms
28 Matrix Operations
29 Linear Programming
30 Polynomials and the FFT
31 Number-Theoretic Algorithms
32 String Matching
33 Computational Geometry
34 NP-Completeness
35 Approximation Algorithms
VIII Appendix: Mathematical Background
A Summations
B Sets, Etc.
C Counting and Probability
D Matrices
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